Arena Sorting Rules
Teams (3 riders) attempt to sort cattle in numerical order from the mob through a gate to the other end of arena.
There will be 10 head of cattle in the end of the arena marked with visible numbers from 0 to 9, plus 2 head of unmarked cattle (clean skins), total of 12 head. Teams of 3 riders.
The starting number for the team will be announced when the nose of the first horse crosses the gateway
Team starts sorting with the number given by the judge at commencement of run, and continue to sort cattle in upwards numerical order. Eg: your number is 6 then 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Cattle are considered sorted when a front leg of the beast crosses through the gateway
If any cattle cross the gateway out of sequence or including any clean skins the team will be judged “NO TIME”
If any cattle already sorted re-cross the gateway the team will be judged “NO TIME”
The maximum time limit is 2 minutes. A warning bell will be given with 30 seconds remaining of the run
A “ lap time” will be recorded on the first beast sorted on each run – this will be a determining factor in the case where a definitive record be required
It is permissible for a team to stop sorting with less than 10 head sorted (eg at 7 head of cattle) and hold cattle already sorted until the clock runs out. The head count will then be the recorded score with a time of 2 minutes
If the team sorts 10 cattle then time will become the determining factor. The clock will be stopped when the front leg of the last beast to be sorted crosses the gateway
A team must stop sorting immediately when judged a “NO TIME”
Competitors will only be called three (3) times to be present for their run. If that team does not present at the “in-gate marshall area” by the third (3rd) call, that run may be made void at the judges decision
Any team exhibiting unnecessary rough handling or rushing into or at the mob at excessive speed, may result in disqualification at the judges decision.
Once the three (3) riders have entered the arena and the run has commenced – where a horse is deemed out of control by the judges decision – any rider that dismounts, horse falls, rider is thrown or falls - will result in that run being terminated without a time be recorded.
No whips may be bought into the arena. No hitting of cattle with any object is allowed. Hazing cattle with hats, reins or rope will be cause for termination of that run. Slapping of hand or rein to own leg is permitted.JUNIORS
Only are permitted to use a small crop.
At the judges discretion, a team may be awarded a re-run if one (1) or more head of cattle is deemed unsuitable (healthwise) or escapes the arena.
Cattle may not be shouldered or pushed by either horse or rider during the run. Abuse of cattle or horses will be the cause for immediate disqualification of the run without refund of entry fee.
Rules should be read in conjunction with
Team Penning Australia Inc documents: Animal Welfare Policy Statement; WHS Rules and Code of Conduct.
Team Penning Australia Inc. endorses the Australian Horse Welfare Protocol refer to